Bad Ria. Bad.

Ok, I admit it – I’ve been a truly *horrible* blogger. I let the dust accumulate here, til’ it was good & thick. And I can’t believe anyone still checks on this thing – but bless you for doing it! I’ve purchased a new camera recently as my old camera & iphone gave lackluster results – at best. I believe it will help encourage me to post more often, and hopefully you will be entertained with a slightly higher caliber of photographic skills than you’ve come to expect from me. Here’s a smattering of the shots I’ve taken in recent days:

So where have I been? Well…I’ve been wrestling with some rather important life decisions. I decided at the beginning of this year to start an online business. I’ve been making plans in that direction, and have done plenty of market research (I have both a scientific & marketing background, so I’m highly analytical). Unfortunately, I have decided that the market is a little too weak right now for me to justify chancing my arm. This is something I want very much, and as such, I want to do it right. It was a difficult & painful decision to put it off for another year, but I feel it will be for the best in the long run.

I’ve also realized that I’ve been a bit remiss in updating my Ravelry projects over the years. There are numerous items I designed, knit & sent off as gifts that I never wrote down a pattern for, nor documented in any way. I know some people that document every skein of yarn they brush up against, and I’ve let so many things slide. Not smart, but hopefully I’ll remedy this. Rav is an awesome tool for keeping track of it all, but only if you *use* it. (duh.)

What else have I been up to? Working, teaching, test knitting, and generally trying to stay sane. I’ve also been working on some new patterns that I will post on Ravelry soon. Hopefully folks will find them somewhat appealing. We shall see…

I’ve also been tagged by Voolenvine in a survey. Here are my responses – I don’t think I’ll tag anyone else, as this has fully made the rounds already.

1- What’s your staple meal (ie. what meal do you cook most often when you can’t be bothered to be adventurous?

Either hummus or pasta.

2- What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don’t want to grow up.

3- What book are you reading at the moment (if any)?

I’m re-reading the ‘digressions’ in Knitting Around by Elizabeth Zimmermann

4- How do you relax?

I knit & sip caffeinated beverages while listening to music with my DH.

5- What color are the interior walls of your home?

White, rust, light khaki, sunset yellow, pale blue and one room is very pink.

6- What is your guiltiest pleasure?

I ♡ Hello Kitty.

7- What time is bedtime and getting up time?

It varies as I am a hopeless insomniac. I tend to go to sleep quite late.

8- How long do you spend reading blogs (per day or per week)?

I have had a LOT going on, so I haven’t really read anyone’s blog (much less written my own) in yonks. I’ve glanced at a few, but I haven’t gotten to savor any. Ideally, I’d love to devote 2 hours a week to this most pleasant pursuit, but until things settle down, that will have to exist as a dream for the future.